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Carolyn Ng, PsyD, FT, MMSAC, RegCLR is currently a private practitioner, as well as Associate Director and Faculty with the Portland Institute for Loss and Transition in Portland, OR, United States.  Previously, she was a Principal Counsellor with the Children’s Cancer Foundation in Singapore, specialising in cancer-related palliative care and bereavement counselling support.  She is a registered counsellor, master clinical member and approved clinical supervisor with the Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC).  She is also a Fellow in Thanatology (FT) registered with the Association of Death Education and Counselling (ADEC), USA; as well as a consultant to a cancer support and bereavement ministry in Sydney, NSW, Australia.  She is certified in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Narrative Therapy.


Carolyn first graduated with Bachelor of Arts from the University of New South Wales, Australia, majoring in psychology, followed by Master of Social Science (Counselling) from the Edith Cowan University, Australia and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry (Conflict Management) from the Trinity Theological Seminary, USA.  She subsequently completed her doctoral training in psychology with the California Southern University, USA.  She is also trained in the Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, USA, community crisis response by the National Organisation for Victim Assistance (NOVA), USA, as well as Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) by LivingWorks, Canada.  She is a trained end-of-life doula and a certified advanced care planning facilitator as well. 


Her wide counselling experiences cover youth delinquency issues, marital issues, family violence issues, mental health issues, incarceration issues, grief and loss issues, and crisis interventions.  She has varied supervisory experiences with such helping professionals as counsellors, social workers and therapists in diverse settings as well.  She also conducts training workshops and presents on various topics in English, Mandarin and Cantonese, as invited by different organizations both in Singapore and other countries like Malaysia, Taiwan, Bhutan, Australia and United States over the years.



  • Ng, C. (2022).  Externalizing conversations.  In R. A. Neimeyer (Ed.).  Techniques of grief therapy: Beyond bereavement (pp.177-180).  New York, NY: Routledge.

  • Ng, C. & Ng, J. (2022).  Player of life.  In R. A. Neimeyer (Ed.).  Techniques of grief therapy: Beyond bereavement (pp.263-267).  New York, NY: Routledge.

  • Ng, C. (2021).  Meaning-Oriented Narrative Reconstruction: Navigating the complexities in bereaved families.  BJGC Special Issues: Living with Loss: Bereavement, Grief, Loneliness, and Resilience.  DOI:10.1080/03069885.2021.1983157.

  • Ng, C. (2020).  My LOG Book in the aftermath of lossAI Practitioner: International Journal of Appreciative Inquiry, 22(2), 30-35.

  • Dutta, O., Tan-Ho, G., Choo, P. Y., Low, X. C., Chong, P. H., Ng, C., Ganapathy, S., & Ho. A. H. Y. (2020).  Trauma to transformation: The lived experience of bereaved parents of children with chronic life-threatening illness in Singapore.  BMC Palliative Care, 19:46,

  • Ho, A. H. Y., Dutta, O., Tan-Ho, G., Choo, P. Y., Low, X. C., Chong, P. H., Ng, C., & Ganapathy, S. (2019).  Thematic analysis of spousal interaction patterns among Asian parents of children with chronic life-threatening illness.  BMJ Open, 9:e032582.

  • 吳嫣琳著 (2019)守護在生死邊緣的孩子:同行者手記。香港:香港天道書樓。 

       Ng, C. (2019).  Children between life and death: A Guardian's Journal.  Hong Kong: Tien Dao Publishing.

  • Ng, C. (2016).  Living with hope: Promoting resilience in children with cancer.  In R. Ow & J. N. W. Khng (Eds.).  Social work with children and youth in Singapore: A resilience perspectives (pp. 55-72).  Singapore: Pearson Education.

  • Ng, C. (2015).  Consulting young people about living with cancer.  The International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, 2, 51-57.

  • Ng, C. (2015).  Talking to parents whose child has cancer with poor prognosis (Unpublished doctoral dissertation).  California Southern University, California, United States.


  • Ng, C. (2019).  Loss Epicenters in Life.  Inaugural Summer Institute in Grief Therapy, Portland, OR, USA.

  • Ng, C. (2019).  My Life Footprints.  Inaugural Summer Institute in Grief Therapy, Portland, OR, USA.

  • Dutta, O., Tan-Ho, G., Choo, P. Y., Chong, P. H., Ng, C., Ganapathy, S., & Ho, A. H. Y. (2019).  Asian experience of child loss to chronic life-threatening illness.  ADEC 41st Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA.

  • Ng, C. (2017).  The LIFE Series: Journeying with Children through Seasons of Grief over Parental Death.  11th International Conference of Grief and Bereavement, Lisbon, Portugal.

  • Ng, C. (2016).  Attend to the unattended: Bereavement in families with children.  Palliative Network Clinical Case Consultation, Singapore.

  • Ng, C. (2016).  Dying to live: Use of narrative therapy with young people with cancer.  ADEC 38th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

  • Ng, C. (2015).  Dying to live: Death and dying issues among adolescents and young adults.  3rd Singapore Sarcoma Consortium Education & Research Meeting, Singapore.

  • Ng, C. (2015).  How to support children whose main caregiver is dying / died of cancer: A new service developed in Singapore.  Bereavement Clinic, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, New York, NY, USA.

  • Ng, C. (2014).  When home is no longer a safe base but a death’s waiting room: Children… the overlooked ones?  Singapore Palliative Care Conference, Singapore.

  • Ng, C. (2014).  Conversations where compassion is most needed.  ADEC 36th Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA

© 2022 by Carolyn Ng, PsyD, FT, MMSAC, RegCLR

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